
const $ = require('jquery');
const { AppSetting } = require('../../core/app_setting');
const { BagItProfile } = require('../../bagit/bagit_profile');
const { BaseController } = require('./base_controller');
const { Constants } = require('../../core/constants');
const { Context } = require('../../core/context');
const Dart = require('../../core');
const { ExportQuestion } = require('../../core/export_question');
const { ExportSettings } = require('../../core/export_settings');
const { RemoteRepository } = require('../../core/remote_repository');
const request = require('request');
const { SettingsExportForm } = require('../forms/settings_export_form');
const { SettingsQuestionsForm } = require('../forms/settings_questions_form');
const { SettingsResponseForm } = require('../forms/settings_response_form');
const { StorageService } = require('../../core/storage_service');
const Templates = require('../common/templates');
const url = require('url');

// This controller got a little out of hand. Sorry.
// This should probably be split into two controllers,
// one for export and one for import.

// This var is used to persist the imported settings object
// between requests. We can theoretically pass the object in the URL
// params, but the JSON can be 10-50 kb, which makes for a long
// query string.
var importedSettings = null;

 * SettingsController imports JSON settings from a URL or from
 * cut-and-pasted text. The settings JSON should be in the format below.
 * Note that each array is optional.
 * @example
 * {
 *   appSettings: [ ... array of AppSetting objects ... ],
 *   bagItProfiles: [ ... array of BagItProfile objects ... ],
 *   remoteRepositories: [ ... array of RemoteRepository objects ... ],
 *   storageServices: [ ... array of StorageService objects ... ],
 * }
 * @see {@link AppSetting}
 * @see {@link BagItProfile}
 * @see {@link RemoteRepository}
 * @see {@link StorageService}
class SettingsController extends BaseController {

    constructor(params) {
        super(params, 'Settings');
        this.questionsForm = null;
        this.importSucceeded = false;

     * Shows the page where a user can import settings from text or a URL.
    import() {
        let html = Templates.settingsImport;
        return this.containerContent(html);

     * Shows the page where a user can choose which settings to export.
    export() {
        let settings = ExportSettings.find(Constants.EMPTY_UUID) || new ExportSettings();
        let form = new SettingsExportForm(settings);
        let data = { form: form };
        let html = Templates.settingsExport(data);
        return this.containerContent(html);

     * Resets the settings export form by erasing all export settings and
     * questions.
    reset() {
        new ExportSettings().save();
        return this.redirect('Settings', 'export', this.params);

     * Saves export settings, then redirects to the export settings page.
    saveAndGoToExport() {
        let settings = ExportSettings.find(Constants.EMPTY_UUID) || new ExportSettings();
        this.questionsForm = new SettingsQuestionsForm(settings);
        return this.redirect("Settings", "export", this.params);

     * Saves export settings, then redirects to the questions page.
    saveAndGoToQuestions() {
        let settings = ExportSettings.find(Constants.EMPTY_UUID) || new ExportSettings();
        let itemsForm = new SettingsExportForm(settings);
        if (!itemsForm.obj.anythingSelected()) {
            alert(Context.y18n.__("You must select at least one item to export before you can add questions."));
            return this.noContent();
        return this.redirect("Settings", "showQuestionsForm", this.params);

     * Shows the form where a user can define setup questions.
    showQuestionsForm() {
        let settings = ExportSettings.find(Constants.EMPTY_UUID);
        this.questionsForm = new SettingsQuestionsForm(settings);
        let html = Templates.settingsQuestions({
            questions: this.questionsForm.getQuestionsAsArray()
        return this.containerContent(html);

     * Shows the exported settings in JSON format in a modal dialog.
     * The user can copy the JSON to the system clipboard from here.
    showExportJson() {
        let settings = ExportSettings.find(Constants.EMPTY_UUID) || new ExportSettings();
        let form = null;
        let fromPage = this.params.get("fromPage")
        if (fromPage == "export") {
            form = new SettingsExportForm(settings);
        } else { // fromPage == "questions"
            form = new SettingsQuestionsForm(settings);
        let title = Context.y18n.__("Exported Settings");
        let body = Templates.settingsExportResult({
            json: form.obj.toJson()
        return this.modalContent(title, body);

     * Show the result of a successful import. This displays a list of
     * imported settings and questions, if there are any.
    showImportResult() {
        let form = null;
        if (importedSettings.questions && importedSettings.questions.length > 0) {
            form = new SettingsResponseForm(importedSettings);
        let html = Templates.importResult({
            settings: importedSettings,
            form: form,
        return this.containerContent(html);

     * Handler for clicks on the radio button where user specifies
     * that they want to import a BagIt profile from a URL.
     * This shows the URL field and hides the textarea.
     * @private
    _importSourceUrlClick(e) {

     * Handler for clicks on the radio button where user specifies
     * that they want to import a BagIt profile from cut-and-paste JSON.
     * This shows the textarea and hides the URL field.
     * @private
    _importSourceTextAreaClick(e) {

     * This attaches event handlers after the page loads.
    postRenderCallback(fnName) {
        let controller = this;
        if (fnName == 'import') {
        } else if (fnName == 'export') {
        } else if (fnName == 'showExportJson') {
            $('#btnCopyToClipboard').click(function() {
        } else if (fnName == 'showQuestionsForm') {
            for (let i = 0; i < this.questionsForm.rowCount; i++) {
            $('#btnAdd').click(() => { controller._addQuestion() });
            $('button[data-action-type=delete-question]').click((e) => {
                let questionNumber = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).attr('data-question-number'), 10);
        } else if (fnName == 'showImportResult') {
            $('#btnSubmit').click(() => {

     * This attaches event handlers to the import page.
     * @private
    _attachImportHandlers() {
        let controller = this;
        $('#importSourceUrl').click(() => {
        $('#importSourceTextArea').click(() => {
        $('#btnImport').click(function() {

     * This attaches event handlers to the export page.
     * @private
    _attachExportHandlers() {
        $(`input[name="addQuestions"]`).click(() => {
            if ($(`input[name="addQuestions"]`).is(':checked')) {
                $("#btnNext").text(Context.y18n.__("Add Questions"));
                $("#btnNext").attr("href", "#Settings/saveAndGoToQuestions");
            } else {
                $("#btnNext").attr("href", "#Settings/showExportJson");
        $('#btnReset').click(() => {
            if(confirm(Context.y18n.__("Do you want to clear this form and remove questions related to these settings?"))){
                location.href = '#Settings/reset';

     * Adds a new, blank question to the export questions form.
     * @private
    _addQuestion() {
        this.questionsForm.obj.questions.push(new ExportQuestion());
        return this.redirect("Settings", "showQuestionsForm", this.params);

     * Adds a new, blank question to the export questions form.
     * @private
    _deleteQuestion(questionNumber) {
        this.questionsForm.obj.questions.splice(questionNumber, 1);
        return this.redirect("Settings", "showQuestionsForm", this.params);

     * Attaches callbacks after the export questions form is rendered.
     * @private
    _attachQuestionCallbacks(rowNumber) {
        let controller = this;
        // When selected object type changes, update the object names list.
        $(`select[data-control-type=object-type][data-row-number=${rowNumber}]`).change(function() {
            let namesList = controller.questionsForm.getNamesList(rowNumber);
            $(`#objId_${rowNumber}`).append(new Option());
            for (let opt of namesList) {
                $(`#objId_${rowNumber}`).append(new Option(opt.name, opt.id));
        // When selected object name changes, updated the fields list.
        $(`select[data-control-type=object-name][data-row-number=${rowNumber}]`).change(function() {
            let fieldsList = controller.questionsForm.getFieldsList(rowNumber);
            $(`#field_${rowNumber}`).append(new Option());
            for (let opt of fieldsList) {
                $(`#field_${rowNumber}`).append(new Option(opt.name, opt.id));

     * This processes the user's responses to import questions.
    _processResponses(controller) {
        let form = new SettingsResponseForm(importedSettings);
        let responses = form.getResponses();
        let hasEmptyAnswers = false;
        let errors = '';
        let qNumber = 1;
        for (let [id, userResponse] of Object.entries(responses)) {
            if (userResponse == '') {
                hasEmptyAnswers = true;
            try {
                let q = importedSettings.questions.find(q => q.id == id);
                let question = new ExportQuestion(q);
            } catch (ex) {
                errors += Context.y18n.__("DART could not save the answer to question %s %s", qNumber.toString(), "\n");
        if (errors.length) {
        } else {
            let params = new url.URLSearchParams({
                alertMessage: Context.y18n.__("DART imported the settings.")
            controller.redirect('Dashboard', 'show', params);

     * This calls the correct function to import DART settings based
     * on the input source (URL or text area).
     * @private
    async _importSettings() {
        let controller = this;
        var importSource = $("input[name='importSource']:checked").val();
        if (importSource == 'URL') {
            await controller._importSettingsFromUrl($("#txtUrl").val());
        } else if (importSource == 'TextArea') {
            controller._importWithErrHandling($("#txtJson").val(), null);
        if (controller.importSucceeded) {
            return controller.redirect('Settings', 'showImportResult', this.params);

     * Imports settings from the URL the user specified.
     * @private
    _importSettingsFromUrl(settingsUrl) {
        let controller = this;
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                new url.URL(settingsUrl);
            } catch (ex) {
                controller._showError(Context.y18n.__("Please enter a valid URL."));
            request(settingsUrl, function (error, response, body) {
                if (error) {
                    let msg = Context.y18n.__("Error retrieving profile from %s: %s", settingsUrl, error);
                } else if (response && response.statusCode == 200) {
                    // TODO: Make sure response is JSON, not HTML.
                    resolve(controller._importWithErrHandling(body, settingsUrl));
                } else {
                    let statusCode = (response && response.statusCode) || Context.y18n.__('Unknown');
                    let msg = Context.y18n.__("Got response %s from %s", statusCode, settingsUrl);

     * This wraps the import process in a general error handler.
     * @private
    _importWithErrHandling(json, settingsUrl) {
        this.importSucceeded = false;
        try {
            this._importSettingsJson(json, settingsUrl);
            this._showSuccess(Context.y18n.__("DART successfully imported the settings."));
            this.importSucceeded = true;
            return true;
        } catch (ex) {
            let msg = Context.y18n.__("Error importing settings: %s", ex);
            return false;

     * This performs the actual import of the settings. It may throw
     * any number of errors, which must be handled by the caller.
     * @private
    _importSettingsJson(json, settingsUrl) {
        importedSettings = null;
        let obj;
        try {
            obj = JSON.parse(json);
        } catch (ex) {
            let msg = Context.y18n.__("Error parsing JSON: %s. ", ex.message || ex);
            if (settingsUrl) {
                msg += Context.y18n.__("Be sure the URL returned JSON, not HTML.");
            throw msg;
        this._importSettingsList(obj.appSettings, 'App Setting');
        this._importSettingsList(obj.bagItProfiles, 'BagIt Profile');
        this._importSettingsList(obj.remoteRepositories, 'Remote Repository');
        this._importSettingsList(obj.storageServices, 'Storage Service');
        importedSettings = obj;

     * Imports a list of settings from the parsed JSON object.
     * @private
    _importSettingsList(list, objType) {
        if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
        for (let obj of list) {
            let fullObj = this._inflateObject(obj, objType);
            if (fullObj.validate()) {
            } else {
                let errs = Object.entries(fullObj.errors).map((k,v) => `${k}: ${v}`)
                    "Error importing %s '%s': %s",
                    objType, obj.name, errs.join("\n\n")));

     * Converts a vanilla object to a typed object.
     * @param {Object} obj - An untyped JavaScript object (usually parsed
     * from JSON).
     * @param {string} objType - The type to which to convert the object.
     * @private
    _inflateObject(obj, objType) {
        let fullObj = null;
        switch (objType) {
            case 'App Setting':
              fullObj = AppSetting.inflateFrom(obj);
            case 'BagIt Profile':
              fullObj = BagItProfile.inflateFrom(obj);
            case 'Remote Repository':
              fullObj = RemoteRepository.inflateFrom(obj);
            case 'Storage Service':
              fullObj = StorageService.inflateFrom(obj);
            throw `Unknown setting type: ${objType}`
        return fullObj;

     * Copies exported settings (JSON) to the system clipboard.
     * @private
    _copyToClipboard() {
        var copyText = document.querySelector("#txtJson");
        $("#copied").fadeOut({duration: 1800});

     * Displays a success message.
     * @private
    _showSuccess(message) {

     * Displays an error message
     * @private
    _showError(message) {

     * Clears any success/error message from the display.
     * @private
    _clearMessage() {

module.exports.SettingsController = SettingsController;