

BagItFile contains metadata about a file that the bagger will be packaging into a bag. This metadata includes the file's absolute source path, its relative path within the bag, its size and checksums, and a few other bits of data.

If the file happens to be a tag file, manifest, or tag manifest, it may have additional data stored in the keyValueCollection property. That data may be written into a text file during the bagging process.


new BagItFile(absSourcePath, relDestPath, stats)

Name Type Description
absSourcePath string

The absolute source path of the file. The bagger will copy the file from this path into relDestPath inside the bag.

relDestPath string

The relative path at which this file should reside within the bag. For manifests, relDestPath will be inside the top-level directory of the bag. For example, at 'manifest-sha256.txt'. For payload files, relDestPath will have the prefix 'data/'. For example, 'data/images/photo.jpg.' Some bagging profiles permit tag files in subdirectories outside the payload directory; hence 'dpn-data/dpn-tags.txt' may be a valid relDestPath. BagItFile infers the type of the file from the relDestPath param.

stats object

A subset of stats gathered from Node's fs.Stat() function. The BagItFile object keeps only a handful of properties from fs.Stat(). This param can be a Node.js fs.Stats object or a FileStat object.



absSourcePath :string

absSourcePath is the absolute source path to this file. The bagger will copy the file from this path into relDestPath inside the bag.


checksums :Object.<string, string>

checksums contains a hash of fixity values we calculate on the file's contents.

key = algorithm name ('md5', 'sha256', etc.) value = digest


fileType :string

fileType is one of 'manifest', 'tagmanifest', 'payload', or 'tagfile', based on relDestPath. File types are defined in Constants.FILE_TYPES.


gid :number

gid is the id of the group that owns this file.


isDirectory :boolean

isDirectory will be true if this is a directory.


isFile :boolean

isFile will be true if this is a regular file. It will be false if this is a directory, socket, or link.


keyValueCollection :KeyValueCollection

keyValueCollection is used by the validator to store the parsed contents of tag files and manifests.


mtime :Date

mtime is the time this file was last modified.


relDestPath :string

The relative path at which this file should reside within the bag. For manifests, relDestPath will be inside the top-level directory of the bag. For example, at 'manifest-sha256.txt'. For payload files, relDestPath will have the prefix 'data/'. For example, 'data/images/photo.jpg.' Some bagging profiles permit tag files in subdirectories outside the payload directory; hence 'dpn-data/dpn-tags.txt' may be a valid relDestPath. BagItFile infers the type of the file from the relDestPath param.


size :number

size is the size, in bytes, of the file.


uid :number

uid is the id of the user who owns the file.



(static) getFileType(relDestPath) → {string}

getFileType returns the type of BagIt file based on relDestPath. File types are defined in Constants.FILE_TYPES and include 'manifest', 'tagmanifest', 'payload', and 'tagfile'.

Name Type Description
relDestPath string

The relative path, within the bag, of the file. For example, 'data/images/photo.jpg' or 'manifest-sha256.txt'.


getCryptoHash(algorithm, done)

This returns a crypto hash that will add a hex digest to this BagItFile's checksums object upon completion. For example, adding a crypto hash with algorithm 'sha512' will result in bagItFile.checksums['sha512'] being populated with the file's sha512 digest after you pipe the file's contents through the hash object. It's up to the caller to pipe the data through.

Name Type Description
algorithm string

The hash digest algorithm to calculate. For example, 'md5', 'sha256', 'sha512', etc.

done function

A callback to call when hasing is complete. The callback will be given data with the format:

{ absSourcePath: <bagItFile.absSourcePath>,
  relPath: <bagItFile.relDestPath>,
  algorithm: <hashing algorithm>,
  digest: <message digest as hex string>

getManifestEntry(algorithm) → {string}

Returns the manifest entry for the specified algorithm, or throws an exception if the checksum for that algorithm is not present. The format of the returned string is suitable for printing into a payload manifest or tag manifest.

Name Type Description
algorithm string

The algorithm of the digest to retrieve.


isPayloadFile() → {boolean}

Returns true if this is a payload file.


isPayloadManifest() → {boolean}

Returns true if this is a payload manifest.


isTagFile() → {boolean}

Returns true if this is a tag file.


isTagManifest() → {boolean}

Returns true if this is a tag manifest.
