

ManifestEntry objects record info about files that were bagged or otherwise packaged in a DART Job. DART records ManifestEntry records for payload files, but not for tag files.

Note that if a job was run several times, a file can have several manifest entries, each with a timestamp indicating when it was packaged.


new ManifestEntry(opts)

Creates a new ManifestEntry

Name Type Description
opts object

Object containing properties to set.

Name Type Description
id string

A UUID in hex-string format. This is the object's unique identifier.

userCanDelete boolean

Indicates whether user is allowed to delete this record.

jobId string

The id (UUID) of the job that packaged the files in this manifest.

origPath string

The original path of the file, before it was bagged or otherwise packaged. This is usually an absolute path from the local filesystem or from an attached network share.

pathInBag string

The relative path of the file within the bag or package. For bagged files, this will begin with 'data/'.

algorithm string

The algorithm used to produce the checksums in this manifest. For example, 'md5', 'sha256', etc.

digest string

The digest/checksum of the file.



algorithm :string

The algorithm used to produce the checksums in this manifest. For example, 'md5', 'sha256', etc.


digest :string

The digest/checksum of the file.


jobId :string

The id (UUID) of the job that packaged the files in this manifest.


origPath :string

The original path of the file, before it was bagged or otherwise packaged. This is usually an absolute path from the local filesystem or from an attached network share.


pathInBag :string

The relative path of the file within the bag or package. For bagged files, this will begin with 'data/'.


timestamp :string

The date and time this manifest was created, in ISO datetime format. If a job was run multiple times, it can have multiple manifests, each with its own timestamp. The timestamp value shows when the job finished packaging the files. The packaging process would have started before this timestamp, and if the job included an upload step, the job itself would have completed after this timestamp.



validate() → {boolean}

validate returns true or false, indicating whether this object contains complete and valid data. If it returns false, check the errors property for specific errors.
