

Util contains a number of static utility functions used throughout the DART application. It has no constructor. Simply call Util.() to use any of its methods.


new Util()



(static) arrayContentsMatch(a, b, orderMatters) → {boolean}

Returns true if arrays a and b contain the same elements, regardless of order. When specifying orderMatters = false, be careful using this with large arrays, since it copies and sorts each array. This is intended for arrays of scalar values like strings, numbers, and dates, whose values can be compared for simple equality.

Name Type Description
a Array

The first array.

b Array

The second array.

orderMatters boolean

Set this to true if the arrays must contain the same elements in the same order. Set to false to check if they contain the same elements in any order.


(static) bagNameFromPath(filepath)

This function returns the basename of the given file path with with the following extensions stripped off:

  • .7z, .s7z
  • .bz, .bz2
  • .gz
  • .par, par2
  • .rar
  • .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.Z
  • .zip, .zipx

The point is to return the expected name of the bag, based on the file path. If the file's basename has an unrecognized extension or no extension, this will return the basename unaltered.

Name Type Description
filepath string

Path to the bag.


(static) boolEqual(a, b) → {boolean}

Returns true if a and b are both non-null and both indicate the same truth value. E.g. true = "true" = "yes" and false = "false" = "no".

Name Type Description
a boolean | string

First value to compare.

b boolean | string

Second value to compare.


(static) boolValue(val) → {boolean}

Returns the boolean value of a string. "true" and "yes" are true. "false" and "no" are false. String is case-insensitive.

Name Type Description
val boolean | string

The value to examine.


(static) camelToTitle(str) → {string}

Converts a camel case variable name to title-cased text. For example, myVarName is converted to My Var Name. This is useful for converting var names to labels in the UI.

Name Type Description
str string

The string to convert


(static) canRead(filepath) → {boolean}

Returns true if the file at filepath is readable by the current user/application.

Name Type Description
filepath string

The path the the file.


(static) canWrite() → {boolean}

Returns true if the file at filepath is writable by the current user/application.


(static) cast(str, toType)

This casts the string value str to type toType and returns the cast value. This is used primarily for converting values from HTML forms to correctly-typed JavaScript values.

Name Type Description
str string

The string value to be cast.

toType string

The type to which the string value should be cast. Currently supports only 'number' and 'boolean'.

Util.cast('false', 'boolean') // returns false
Util.cast('yes', 'boolean')   // returns true
Util.cast('1', 'boolean')     // returns true
Util.cast('3', 'number')      // returns 3
Util.cast('3.14', 'number')   // returns 3.14

(static) deleteFromArray(array, item)

This deletes up to one item from an array, modifying the array in place. For example, Util.deleteFromArray(list, "butter") will delete the first instance of the word "butter" from the array, or will delete nothing if the array does not contain that word.

Name Type Description
array Array

A list of items.

item string | number | boolean | Date

The item you want to delete.


(static) deleteRecursive(dir)

Recursively and synchronously deletes a directory and all its contents. This will throw an exception if you try to delete any path that's too close to the root of the file system (fewer than 8 characters or fewer than 3 slashes/backslashes).

Name Type Description
dir string

Path to the directory you want to delete.


(static) escapeBackslashes(winPath) → {string}

Replaces backslashes in Windows paths with double backslashes.

Name Type Description
winPath string

A Windows path.


(static) filterEmptyStrings(arr) → {Array.<string>}

Returns an array of strings, with all null and empty strings removed.

Name Type Description
arr Array.<string>

The list of strings to filter.


(static) findCommonPathPrefix(paths, pathSep) → {string}

Given a list of file paths, this returns the prefix common to all paths. This function probably has worse than 0n^2 efficiency, so it's OK if paths.length < 10, but it probably gets pretty bad from there.

If paths have nothing in common, this returns an empty string.

Name Type Description
paths Array.<string>

List of paths to compare.

pathSep string

Optional param to specify the path separator. This defaults to the operating system's path.sep, so you don't need to specify this.

let posixPaths = [

Util.findCommonPathPrefix(posixPaths); // returns "/path/to/some/"

let windowPaths = [

Util.findCommonPathPrefix(windowsPaths); // returns "c:\\path\\to\\some\\"

(static) forkJobProcess(job) → {Object}

Launches a Job in a separate process. Returns an object with keys childProcess and dartProcess.

Name Type Description
job Job

The job to run in the child process.


(static) formatError(err) → {string}

Returns a human-readable version of an error. This works for native JavaScript Error object and Node.js's syscall errors. If err is a string, it returns err unchanged. If it's none of those types, this returns a JSON string of the error.

Name Type Description
err Object

An Error, Node SystemError, or other object.


(static) getEnvSetting(str) → {string}

This returns the value of an environment variable, if the variable is available. Certain variables, such as the login credentials used in the StorageService class may be stored more safely as environment variables outside of the DART database. Those variables follow the pattern env:VAR_NAME.

If you pass env:VAR_NAME to this function, it will return the value of the environment variable VAR_NAME.

Name Type Description
str string

A string in the format env:VAR_NAME.


(static) getSortFunction(property, direction) → {function}

Returns a function suitable for sorting a list of objects in ascending or desdending order.

Name Type Description
property string

The name of the object property to sort on.

direction string

'desc' or 'asc' for descending or ascending.


(static) isDirectory() → {boolean}

Returns true if dirpath is a directory.


(static) isEmpty(str) → {boolean}

Returns true if str is null or empty.

Name Type Description
str string

The string to check.


(static) isEmptyStringArray(arr) → {boolean}

Returns true if array of strings is empty, or if all elements of the array are null or empty.

Name Type Description
arr Array.<string>

The list of strings to check.


(static) isNonEmptyDirectory() → {boolean}

Returns true if dirpath is a non-empty directory.


(static) lcFirst(str) → {string}

Returns a copy of string str with the first letter set to lowercase. Returns null if param str is null.

Name Type Description
str string

(static) listContains(list, item) → {boolean}

Returns true if list contains item. The list should contain simple scalar values that can be compared with a simple equality test. This is similar to the builtin array.includes(), but includes some special handling for boolean values.

Name Type Description
list Array.<string> | Array.<number> | Array.<boolean>

The list items to search.

item string | number | boolean

The item to look for.


(static) looksLikeEnvSetting(settingValue) → {boolean}

This returns true if settingValue begins with "env:".

Name Type Description
settingValue string

The value of the setting.


(static) looksLikeHypertextURL(str) → {boolean}

Returns true if str matches the regex for a URL beginning with http or https and looks like a valid URL.

Name Type Description
str string

The string to test.


(static) looksLikeUUID(str) → {boolean}

Returns true if str matches the regex for hex-formatted uuid.

Name Type Description
str string

The string to test.


(static) normalizeWindowsPath(winPath) → {string}

Converts an absolute Windows path to a path with forward slashes suitable for a BagIt file or tar file. Also strips off drive letters and share names.

Name Type Description
winPath string

An absolute Windows path.


(static) removeWindowsDrivePrefix(winPath) → {string}

Strips off drive letters and share names from Windows paths. E.g. "C:\some\path" becomes "\some\path" and "\share\some\path" becomes "\some\path"

Name Type Description
winPath string

An absolute Windows path.


(static) tmpFilePath() → {string}

Returns a path to a temp file, without actually creating the file.


(static) toHumanSize(bytes) → {string}

toHumanSize returns a human-readable size for the given number of bytes. The return value is trucated at two decimal places. E.g. 2621440 converts to "2.50 MB"

Name Type Description
bytes number

The number of bytes to convert to human size.


(static) trimToLength(str, len, trimFrom) → {string}

Returns str trimmed to the specified length, with trimmed characters replaced by '...'. If str is already less than or equal to len characters, this returns the string unchanged. If len is too short, the return value will likely be '...'.

Name Type Description
str string

The string to trim.

len number

The length to trim to.

trimFrom string

Where to trim the excess characters from. Valid values are 'end' and 'middle'. Any other value is interpreted as 'middle'.


(static) truncateString(str, len) → {string}

Truncates a string at len characters, and appends '..." to the end.

Name Type Description
str string

The string to truncate.

len number

Truncate the string at len characters.


(static) unicodeByteLength(str) → {number}

Returns the byte length of an utf8 string

Name Type Description
str string

The string to measure.


(static) uuid4() → {string}

Returns a version 4 uuid string.

Thanks https://gist.github.com/kaizhu256/4482069


(static) walkSync(dir, filterFunction) → {Array.<string>}

walkSync recursively lists all files in a directory and its subdirectories and returns them in filelist. If you want to filter the list, include a callback filterFunction, which takes the filepath as its sole param (a string) and returns true or false to indicate whether to include the file in the list.

The returned list is a list of hashes, and each hash has keys absPath: the absolute path to the file stats: a Node fs.Stats object with info about the file The returned list will not include links, only files.

Name Type Description
dir string

Path to directory.

filterFunction filterFunction

A function to filter out items that should not go into filelist.
