

TagFileParser parses text-based tag files that conform to the BagIt spec. Since tag files tend to be small (a few kilobytes) and may contain multi-line tags, this parser reads the entire file into memory before parsing tags and values. That is, it accumulates data in the stream.data event and parses it in the stream.end event.

This class has no methods. It simply responds to events on the stream you pipe into it. After parsing the stream, it stores the data it has parsed in bagItFile.keyValueCollection.

You can attach your own callback to the TagFileParser.stream end event, if you want to do something with the BagItFile or (more likely) its keyValueCollection when parsing completes.


new TagFileParser(bagItFile)

Name Type Description
bagItFile BagItFile

A BagItFile object. If the object does not already have a keyValueCollection, the parser will create one.

For more on the BagIt spec, see BagIt Spec

For info about how to read the parsed data from the file, see KeyValueCollection

// Set up a BagItFile
let pathToTagFile = "/path/to/bag-info.txt";
let stats = fs.statSync(pathToTagFile);
let bagItFile = new BagItFile(pathToTagFile, "bag-info.txt", stats);

// Open the BagItFile for reading
let stream = fs.createReadStream(pathToTagFile);

// Create a new TagFileParser to parse the BagItFile
let tagFileParser = new TagFileParser(bagItFile);

// Optional: Hook up your callback to do something with
// bagItFile when the parsing is done.
tagFileParser.stream.on('end', YOUR_CALLBACK_HERE);

// Required: Pipe your file reader into the parser.
stream.pipe(tagFileParser.stream).on('error', function(e){handleError(e)});


bagItFile :BagItFile

bagItFile is the file that will be parsed. When parsing is complete, bagItFile.keyValueCollection will be populated with tag names and values.


content :string

content is a string that accumulates the contents of the tag file. This is considered private but is ok to access as a read-only property.


stream :stream.PassThrough

stream is a PassThrough stream that allows for data to be piped from a ReadStream into the parser. You can attach your own 'data' and 'end' events to this stream, but the parser already does the parsing work for you.
