

CSVBatchParser parses CSV files describing a batch of jobs that should all go through the same workflow. You can typically set this up as an Excel or Google spreadsheet exported to CSV. The spreadsheet should have the column names in the first row. It MUST have the following columns:

  • Bag-Name - the name of the bag to create. E.g. 'MyBag' or 'BagOfPhotos.tar'

  • Root-Directory - the absolute path the folder you want to bag up. Note that batch jobs don't support adding multiple folders to a bag.

In addition, the CSV file should contain tag settings for each entry. The column header for each tag entry should be in the format "file-name.txt/Tag-Name", for example, "bag-info.txt/Source-Organization" or "aptrust-info.txt/Access". If the tag file name (everything up to the slash) is missing from any column header, the parser will set the tag file to "bag-info.txt".

You can add any arbitrary tag names to the column headers. The parser will pass them all into the bag's tag files, regardless of whether or or not your BagIt profile recognizes. Remember that BagIt profiles may define which tags must be present, but they do not exclude additional custom tags.

Note that the parser reads the whole CSV file into memory at once. If your file has a few hundred or even a few thousand entries, that should be OK. If your file has too many entries, you may run out of memory.

You can run the jobs in the batch synchronously or in parallel. You generally won't want to run more than a few jobs concurrently, because the bagging process requires a lot of disk I/O. Running 2-4 jobs at once may be sane. Running 100 will lead to disk thrashing.

For an example of how to run a batch, see the WorkflowBatchController


new CSVBatchParser()

Name Type Description
opts.pathToFile string

The path to the CSV file you want to parse.

opts.workflowName string

The name of the workflow through which you want to run all the bags.




Parse CSV data from this.pathToFile. Throws exception if file does not exist or cannot be parsed.


_parseTags() → {Array.<object>}

This returns a list of tags from the given entry object (which comes from one parsed line of the CSV file). Note that even the reserved names "Bag-Name" and "Root-Directory" are interpreted as tags (because it can't hurt to have that extra metadata).

Tag names in the column headers of the CSV file should be in the format file-name.txt/Tag-Name. Any tag names that omit the filename component before the slash will be set to the default file name "bag-info.txt".


parseAll() → {Array.<JobParams>}

This returns an array of JobParams objects with each object representing one line in the CSV file. This will throw an exception if the CSV file doesn't exist or is not readable.

This method does not verify that the JobParams objects are valid. The caller should ensure that each object has a workflowName, a packageName, one or more files, and the appropriate tags.
