const $ = require('jquery');
const { Context } = require('../../core/context');
const { BagItProfile } = require('../../bagit/bagit_profile');
const { BagItProfileForm } = require('../forms/bagit_profile_form');
const { BagItUtil } = require('../../bagit/bagit_util');
const { BaseController } = require('./base_controller');
const { NewBagItProfileForm } = require('../forms/new_bagit_profile_form');
const request = require('request');
const { TagDefinition } = require('../../bagit/tag_definition');
const { TagDefinitionForm } = require('../forms/tag_definition_form');
const { TagFileForm } = require('../forms/tag_file_form');
const Templates = require('../common/templates');
const url = require('url');
const { Util } = require('../../core/util');
const typeMap = {
allowFetchTxt: 'boolean',
isBuiltIn: 'boolean',
tarDirMustMatchName: 'boolean',
userCanDelete: 'boolean'
* BagItProfileController provides methods to display and update
* {@link BagItProfile} objects.
* @param {url.URLSearchParams} params - Query parameters. The most
* important of these is "id", which specifies the id the BagItProfile
* to load.
class BagItProfileController extends BaseController {
constructor(params) {
super(params, 'Settings');
* A {@link url.URLSearchParams} object containing parameters that
* the controller will need to render the display. For forms, the
* only required param is usually "id", which is the UUID of the
* object to be edited. For lists, this typically includes
* limit, offset, orderBy, and sortDirection.
* @type {url.URLSearchParams}
this.typeMap = typeMap;
* The model which the controller represents. In this case, it's
* the class {@link BagItProfile}.
* @type {PersistentObject|object}
this.model = BagItProfile;
* This is the name of the form class that can render a form for
* this controller's model. For this controller, it's
* {@link BagItProfileForm}
* @type {Form}
this.formClass = BagItProfileForm;
* This is the template that renders this controller's form.
* Templates are properties of the {@link Template} object.
* @type {handlebars.Template}
this.formTemplate = Templates.bagItProfileForm;
* This is the template that renders this controller's object list.
* Templates are properties of the {@link Template} object.
* @type {handlebars.Template}
this.listTemplate = Templates.bagItProfileList;
* The name property of this template's model. This is used when
* ordering lists of objects by name. For the {@link BagItProfile}
* object, it's would "name".
* @type {string}
this.nameProperty = 'name';
* The property by which this controller sorts the list display.
* Here, it's the "name" property of the BagItProfile object.
* @type {string}
this.defaultOrderBy = 'name';
* The default order in which to sort the list of BagItProfiles.
* Can be "asc" or "desc". This is set to "asc".
* @type {string}
this.defaultSortDirection = 'asc';
* This method presents a form that asks if the user would like
* to create a new BagItProfile from scratch or based on an
* existing BagItProfile. The user has to go through this form
* before actually getting to the BagItProfile form.
new() {
let form = new NewBagItProfileForm();
let html = Templates.bagItProfileNew({ form: form });
return this.containerContent(html);
* This method creates a new BagItProfile, either from scratch
* or based on an existing profile that the user selected. It
* then redirects to the edit() method, so the user can customize
* the new profile.
create() {
let newProfile = this.getNewProfileFromBase();;
return this.edit();
* This presents the tabbed BagItProfile edit form that enables
* the user to customize a BagItProfile.
edit() {
let profile = BagItProfile.find(this.params.get('id'));
let opts = {
alertMessage: this.alertMessage || this.params.get('alertMessage')
this.alertMessage = null;
return this.containerContent(this._getPageHTML(profile, opts));
* This is called when the user clicks the Save button on the
* BagItProfile edit form. It saves the profile, if the profile
* is valid, or re-displays the form with error message if the
* profile is not valid.
update() {
let profile = BagItProfile.find(this.params.get('id'));
let form = new BagItProfileForm(profile);
if (!form.obj.validate()) {
let errors = this._getPageLevelErrors(form.obj);
let opts = {
errMessage: Context.y18n.__('Please correct the following errors.'),
errors: errors
return this.containerContent(this._getPageHTML(form.obj, opts));
this.alertMessage = Context.y18n.__(
return this.list();
* This fills in the page-level data structure and passes it to
* the BagItProfileForm template. It returns the HTML rendered
* by the template.
* @param {BagItProfile} profile - The BagItProfile whose properties
* should be displayed in the form.
* @param {object} opts - Additional options to pass into the template
* context. These may include errors, errMessage, and alertMessage.
* @returns {string} - The HTML to render.
_getPageHTML(profile, opts = {}) {
let errors = this._getPageLevelErrors(profile);
let tagsByFile = profile.tagsGroupedByFile();
let tagFileNames = Object.keys(tagsByFile).sort();
let data = {
form: new BagItProfileForm(profile),
tagFileNames: tagFileNames,
tagsByFile: tagsByFile
Object.assign(data, opts);
return this.formTemplate(data, Templates.renderOptions);
* This sets page-level validation errors, including information about
* which tab contains the the error.
* @param {BagItProfile} profile
* @returns {Array<string>} Array of error messages to be displayed at the
* top of the page.
* @private
_getPageLevelErrors(profile) {
let errors = [];
if (!Util.isEmpty(profile.errors["name"])) {
errors.push(Context.y18n.__("About Tab: %s", profile.errors["name"]));
if (!Util.isEmpty(profile.errors["acceptBagItVersion"])) {
errors.push(Context.y18n.__("General Tab: %s", profile.errors["acceptBagItVersion"]));
if (!Util.isEmpty(profile.errors["manifestsAllowed"])) {
errors.push(Context.y18n.__("Manifests Tab: %s", profile.errors["manifestsAllowed"]));
if (!Util.isEmpty(profile.errors["serialization"])) {
errors.push(Context.y18n.__("Serialization Tab: %s", profile.errors["serialization"]));
if (!Util.isEmpty(profile.errors["acceptSerialization"])) {
errors.push(Context.y18n.__("Serialization Tab: %s", profile.errors["acceptSerialization"]));
if (!Util.isEmpty(profile.errors["tags"])) {
errors.push(Context.y18n.__("Tag Files Tab: %s", profile.errors["tags"]));
return errors;
* This returns an entirely new BagItProfile, or a new BagItProfile
* that is a copy of a base profile.
* @returns {BagItProfile}
getNewProfileFromBase() {
let newProfile = null;
let form = new NewBagItProfileForm();
if(form.obj.baseProfile) {
let baseProfile = BagItProfile.find(form.obj.baseProfile);
newProfile = new BagItProfile();
Object.assign(newProfile, baseProfile); = Util.uuid4();
newProfile.baseProfileId =;
newProfile.isBuiltIn = false;
newProfile.userCanDelete = true; = `Copy of ${}`;
newProfile.description = `Customized version of ${}`;
} else {
newProfile = new BagItProfile();
return newProfile;
* This displays a modal dialog asking the user to name a new
* tag file to be added to this profile.
newTagFile() {
let title = Context.y18n.__("New Tag File");
let form = new TagFileForm('custom-tags.txt');
let body = Templates.tagFileForm({
form: form,
bagItProfileId: this.params.get('id')
return this.modalContent(title, body);
* This creates a new tag file in the {@link BagItProfile} by adding
* a single new {@link TagDefinition} whose tagFile attribute
* matches the tag file name the user typed in.
newTagFileCreate() {
let title = Context.y18n.__("New Tag File");
let form = new TagFileForm();
if (Util.isEmpty(form.obj.tagFileName)) {
$('#tagFileForm_tagFileNameError').text(Context.y18n.__('Tag file name is required'));
return this.noContent();
let profile = BagItProfile.find(this.params.get('id'));
if (profile.hasTagFile(form.obj.tagFileName)) {
$('#tagFileForm_tagFileNameError').text(Context.y18n.__('This profile already has a tag file called %s', form.obj.tagFileName));
return this.noContent();
profile.tags.push(new TagDefinition({
tagName: Context.y18n.__('New-Tag'),
tagFile: form.obj.tagFileName
this.alertMessage = Context.y18n.__("New tag file %s is available from the Tag Files menu below.", form.obj.tagFileName);
return this.edit();
* This deletes a TagDefinition from this BagItProfile, if the user
* confirms the deletion.
deleteTagDef() {
let profile = BagItProfile.find(this.params.get('id'));
let tagDef = profile.firstMatchingTag('id', this.params.get('tagDefId'));
let isLastTagInFile = false;
let tagsGroupedByFile = profile.tagsGroupedByFile();
let message = Context.y18n.__("Delete tag %s from this profile?", tagDef.tagName);
if (tagsGroupedByFile[tagDef.tagFile].length < 2) {
message += ' ' + Context.y18n.__(
"Deleting the last tag in the file will delete the tag file as well.")
isLastTagInFile = true;
if (confirm(message)) {
profile.tags = profile.tags.filter(t => !==;;
if (isLastTagInFile) {
this.alertMessage = Context.y18n.__(
"Deleted tag %s and tag file %s",
tagDef.tagName, tagDef.tagFile);
return this.edit(profile);
return this.noContent();
* This shows a screen where user can choose to import a profile from
* a URL or a textarea.
importStart() {
let title = Context.y18n.__("Import BagIt Profile");
let body = Templates.bagItProfileImport();
return this.modalContent(title, body);
* Exports a DART BagIt Profile to the format used by
* The exported profile appears in a modal window.
exportProfile() {
let profile = BagItProfile.find(this.params.get('id'));
let json = BagItUtil.profileToStandardJson(profile);
let title = Context.y18n.__(;
let body = Templates.bagItProfileExport({
profile: profile,
json: json
return this.modalContent(title, body);
* Attaches event handlers to elements after they are rendered
* on the page.
* @private
postRenderCallback(fnName) {
let controller = this;
if (fnName == 'newTagFile' || fnName == 'newTagFileCreate') {
} else if (fnName == 'importStart') {
$('#btnImport').click(function() { controller._importProfile() });
* Handler for clicks on the radio button where user specifies
* that they want to import a BagIt profile from a URL.
* This shows the URL field and hides the textarea.
* @private
_importSourceUrlClick(e) {
* Handler for clicks on the radio button where user specifies
* that they want to import a BagIt profile from cut-and-paste JSON.
* This shows the textarea and hides the URL field.
* @private
_importSourceTextAreaClick(e) {
* This calls the correct function to import a BagIt Profile, based
* on the input source (URL or text area).
* @private
_importProfile() {
var importSource = $("input[name='importSource']:checked").val();
if (importSource == 'URL') {
} else if (importSource == 'TextArea') {
* Imports a bagit-profile of Library of Congress style BagIt Profile
* from the URL the user specified.
* @private
_importProfileFromUrl() {
let controller = this;
let profileUrl = $("#txtUrl").val();
try {
new url.URL(profileUrl);
} catch (ex) {
alert(Context.y18n.__("Please enter a valid URL."));
request(profileUrl, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
let msg = Context.y18n.__("Error retrieving profile from %s: %s", profileUrl, error);
} else if (response && response.statusCode == 200) {
// TODO: Make sure response is JSON, not HTML.
controller._importWithErrHandling(body, profileUrl);
} else {
let statusCode = (response && response.statusCode) || Context.y18n.__('Unknown');
let msg = Context.y18n.__("Got response %s from %s", statusCode, profileUrl);
* Imports a bagit-profile of Library of Congress style BagIt Profile
* from the JSON in the textarea.
* @private
_importProfileFromTextArea() {
let profileJson = $("#txtJson").val();
* This wraps the import process in a general error handler.
* @private
_importWithErrHandling(json, profileUrl) {
try {
this._importProfileObject(json, profileUrl);
return true;
} catch (ex) {
let msg = Context.y18n.__("Error importing profile: %s", ex);
return false;
* This performs the actual import of the BagIt profile. It may throw
* any number of errors, which must be handled by the caller.
* @private
_importProfileObject(json, profileUrl) {
let obj;
try {
obj = JSON.parse(json);
} catch (ex) {
let msg = Context.y18n.__("Error parsing JSON: %s. ", ex.message || ex);
if (profileUrl) {
msg += Context.y18n.__("Be sure the URL returned JSON, not HTML.");
throw msg;
let convertedProfile;
let profileType = BagItUtil.guessProfileType(obj);
switch (profileType) {
case 'dart':
convertedProfile = obj;
case 'loc_ordered':
convertedProfile = BagItUtil.profileFromLOCOrdered(obj, profileUrl);
case 'loc_unordered':
convertedProfile = BagItUtil.profileFromLOC(obj, profileUrl);
case 'bagit_profiles':
convertedProfile = BagItUtil.profileFromStandardObject(obj);
alert(Context.y18n.__("DART does not recognize this BagIt Profile structure."));
if (convertedProfile) {;
let params = new URLSearchParams({
alertMessage: Context.y18n.__("Imported BagIt profile. Please review the profile to ensure it is accurate.")
return this.redirect('BagItProfile', 'edit', params);
} else {
let msg = Context.y18n.__("Failed to import profile");
* Handle the enter key press in the New Tag File modal. If we don't
* handle this, the Electron browser window takes the default action
* of submitting the single-element form, resulting in a blank window.
* This handler does what the user expects, which is the same as clicking
* on the save button.
_enterKeyHandler(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
if (e.type == 'keydown') {
// trigger('click') doesn't do it...
location.href = $('#newTagFileSave').attr('href');
module.exports.BagItProfileController = BagItProfileController;
module.exports.BagItProfileControllerTypeMap = typeMap;