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Partner Tools


This page describes the old version 2 partner tools, which are now deprecated. Please see the docs for the new, version 3 partner tools, which add support for creating bags and interacting with the APTrust Registry.

Deprecated version 2 command line tools for Mac, Linux, and Windows are available through the links below:

Each of these tools returns specific exit codes, so you can integrate them into your scripts. You can view any program's built-in documentation by passing the --help flag.

List of Partner Tools

In addition to our graphical tool for bagging and uploading, DART, APTrust also distributes a suite of command-line tools.

These tools use less memory and generally less CPU than DART. They include:

Tool Description
apt_check_ingest Queries Pharos to check the ingest status of a bag. This requires a Pharos API key. See the configuration section below.
apt_validate Validates bags (tarred or untarred) before uploading them for ingest or after downloading them from the restoration bucket.
apt_upload Uploads bags to your receiving buckets for ingest. Requires AWS keys be present in your config file. See below.
apt_list Lists the contents of your receiving and restoration buckets. Requires AWS keys.
apt_download Downloads restored bags from your restoration buckets. Requires AWS keys.
apt_delete Deletes restored bags from your restoration buckets. Requires AWS keys.

Note that each of these tools has a --help option to display available flags, output formats, and return codes.

Configuration File

All of the tools except apt_validate require a simple config file with five name-value pairs. Note that quotes are optional, and comment lines begin with a hash mark.

# Config for apt_upload and apt_download
AwsAccessKeyId = 123456789XYZ
ReceivingBucket = ''
RestorationBucket = ""
DownloadDir = "/home/josie/downloads"
AptrustApiUser = ""
AptrustApiKey = "f887afc5e1624eda92ae1a5aecdf210c"

If you prefer not to put your AWS keys in the config file, you can put them into environment variables called AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

The config file should include the following variables:

  • ReceivingBucket: The name of the S3 bucket that will hold your uploaded APTrust bags that are awaiting ingest. E.g.

  • RestorationBucket: The name of the S3 bucket that will hold your restored APTrust bags. E.g.

  • DownloadDir: The local directory in which to save files downloaded from your APTrust restoration bucket. The APTrust config currently does not expand ~ to your home directory, so use an absolute path to be safe.

  • AptrustApiUser: The email address for logging in to APTrust's Pharos REST API.

  • AptrustApiKey: Your API key for the Pharos REST API. This key must match the user email. (That is, cannot log in with a key that was issued to

If you save your config file as ~/.aptrust_partner.conf in Linux/Mac or as %HOMEPATH%\.aptrust_partner.conf under Windows, you will not have to specify a --config option when you run the tools. Otherwise, run the tools with the --config file pointing to the full path of your configuration file.

Below is a screenshot of apt_list showing the contents of an AWS receiving bucket.


apt_check_ingest shows the ingest status of items that match a specified file name.
