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Roles and Privileges

Registry uses role-based privileges.

Registry permissions are role-based with the following general rules:

  • Institutional Users can access resources belonging to their own institution, but cannot perform destructive actions and manipulate other user accounts.
  • Institutional Admins can do everything Institutional Users can do, plus approve deletion requests and manipulate other user accounts at their own institution.
  • The System Administrator account has all privileges at all institutions, plus some additional privileges such as creating, editing, and deactivating institutions, managing NSQ services, re-queueing WorkItems, and other administrative tasks.

The table below describes who can do what.

Feature Web
Roles Allowed Ownership Restrictions Description and Notes
Alert – List All User’s own alerts View alerts pertaining to your account.
Alert – Mark Read All User’s own alerts Mark alerts as read.
Alert – Mark Unread All User’s own alerts Mark alerts as unread.
Alert – Show All User’s own alerts Show the text of an alert.
Checksum – Create System account None Create a new checksum for a Generic File.
Checksum – List All User’s own institution List checksums for Generic Files.
Checksum – Show All User’s own institution Show details of a checksum.
Dashboard – Show All User’s own institution Show the dashboard, with an overview of deposits and recent work items.
Deletion – Approve Inst. Admin only User’s own institution Approve a file or object deletion request submitted by another user at your institution.
Deletion – List Inst. Admin only User’s own institution Display a list of deletion requests for your institution.
Deletion – Reject Inst. Admin only User’s own institution Reject a file/object deletion request.
Deletion – Review Inst. Admin only User’s own institution Review a file/object deletion request with the option to approve or reject it.
Deletion – Show All User’s own institution Display a file/object deletion request without the object to approve or reject it.
Generic File – Create System account Create a single Generic Files. This happens only when recording a successful ingest.
Generic File – Create Batch System account Create a batch of Generic Files. This happens only when recording a successful ingest.
Generic File – Delete Inst. Admin only User’s own institution Delete a Generic File. This happens only after deletion request has been approved.
Generic File – Edit System account Edit a Generic File. This happens only when re-ingesting an existing file.
Generic File – List All User’s own institution List Generic Files belonging to your institution.
Generic File – Request Delete Inst. Admin only User’s own institution Request deletion of one of your institution’s files. (Deletion must be approved by an institutional admin.)
Generic File – Request Restore All User’s own institution Request restoration of one of your institution’s files.
Generic File – Show All User’s own institution Display details of a Generic File belonging to your institution.
Institution – Create APTrust admin Create a new institution.
Institution – Delete APTrust admin Soft-deletes an institution by marking it as inactive.
Institution – Edit APTrust admin Edit an existing institution.
Institution – List APTrust admin, System account List all institutions.
Institution – Show APTrust admin, System account Show details of an institution.
Institution – Undelete APTrust admin, System account Reactivate a “deleted” institution.
Intellectual Object – Create System account Create an Intellectual Object. This happens only when recording a successful ingest.
Intellectual Object – Delete System account Only after approval by institutional admin
Intellectual Object – Edit System account Edit an Intellectual Object. This happens only when re-ingesting an existing object.
Intellectual Object – List All User’s own institution List Intellectual Objects belonging to your institution.
Intellectual Object – List Events All User’s own institution List Premis events associated with an Intellectual Object.
Intellectual Object – List Files All User’s own institution List Generic Files associated with an Intellectual Object.
Intellectual Object – Request Delete Inst. Admin only Request deletion of an Intellectual Object. (Deletion must approved by an institutional admin.)
Intellectual Object – Request Restore All User’s own institution Request restoration of one of your institution’s Intellectual Objects.
Intellectual Object – Show All User’s own institution Show details of an Intellectual Object.
NSQ – Admin APTrust admin Show NSQ admin panel.
Premis Event – Create System account Create a Premis event. This happens on ingest, fixity check, deletion.
Premis Event – List All User’s own institution List Premis events belonging to your institution.
Premis Event – Show All User’s own institution Show details of a Premis event.
Storage Record – Create System account Create a storage record describing where a file is stored. This happens only when recording a successful ingest.
Storage Record – List System account Show a list of storage records. Non-system users can see Storage Records as part of file detail in web UI.
Storage Record – Show System account Display details of a storage record. Non-admin users can see Storage Records as part of file detail in web UI.
User – Confirm Phone All User’s own account Confirm your phone number for two-factor authentication by entering the code we sent you.
User – Create Inst. Admin, APTrust admin User’s own institution Create a new user.
User – Delete Inst. Admin, APTrust admin User’s own institution Soft-deletes a user by marking them as inactive.
User – Edit Inst. Admin, APTrust admin User’s own institution Users can edit their own details, but not others, unless they’re an admin.
User – Forgot Password All User’s own account Sends an email to you with a link to help you log in.
User – Generate API Key All User’s own account Generates an API key so you can access the member API.
User – Generate Backup Codes All User’s own account Generates backup codes that two-factor auth users can use to login when they don’t have access to their phone.
User – List Inst. Admin, APTrust admin User’s own institution Displays a list of users at your institution.
User – Login Second Factor All User’s own account Allows users to enter backup or SMS codes for second factor of login.
User – My Account All User’s own account Display the details of your account.
User – Reset Password All User’s own account Reset your password.
User – Set Up 2-Factor Auth All User’s own account Begin the two-factor authentication setup process by choosing Authy or SMS.
User – Show Inst. Admin, APTrust admin User’s own institution Display the details of another user’s account.
User – Sign In All User’s own account Sign in to the web UI.
User – Sign Out All User’s own account Sign out of the web UI.
User – Undelete Inst. Admin, APTrust admin User’s own institution Reactivate a “deleted” user.
WorkItem – Create System account Create a new WorkItem.
WorkItem – Delete Redis Data APTrust admin Delete the Redis data associated with a WorkItem. Do this only when requeuing an item back to the first stage of ingest, and only when you really want to throw out all the metadata and start over.
WorkItem – Edit APTrust admin, System account Edit an existing work item.
WorkItem – List All User’s own institution List work items for your institution.
WorkItem – Requeue APTrust admin Requeue a work item so workers will retry it.
WorkItem – Show All User’s own institution Show the details of an individual work item.