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APTrust Partner Tools

The aptrust command-line utility (apt-cmd, aka Partner Tools) enables you to create and validate bags, manage S3 files, and query data in the APTrust Registry. This tool replaces the older version 2.x partner tools which did not have bag creation features and worked only with Pharos.

You can create workflows with apt-cmd that include:

  • creating a bag
  • validating the bag
  • uploading the bag to an S3 bucket
  • checking the APTrust registry to see when the bag was ingested
  • retrieving object and file details, including checksums and PREMIS events, from the APTrust registry

For bag creating and validation, the current release supports tarred bags only. Though access to the APTrust registry is limited to APTrust depositors, anyone can use apt-cmd's bagging and S3 features.


Platform Architecture Version SHA-256
Windows Intel 64-bit v3.0.0-beta b12d7daf68ca2a2ea99ea208143e4571cf49fd8221ea1998a9b4f5db9774b631
Mac Intel Intel 64-bit v3.0.0-beta 1b5ceb015744e9ca818e5526f0940988fd4dad7f56c1bde105762bd89522265b
Mac ARM Apple Silicon (M series) v3.0.0-beta 0327e04b44137ce856b342542563133b9f8184364513394013bf200939dd6c8e
Linux Intel 64-bit v3.0.0-beta 88d13960e50478066a6426ffd49e4763feece4642b7420e0d2e4f8d9412e9c88

APTrust partner tools are open source, distributed under the BSD 2-clause license. The source code is available on github at

Help and Troubleshooting

You can get help for any apt-cmd command using the --help flag. For example, apt-cmd --help shows the list of available commands. To get help with a specific command, try apt-cmd [command] --help. For example, apt-cmd bag create --help.

All operations support the --debug flag. When supplied, apt-cmd will print out additional detailed information about what it's doing.

Exit Codes

The apt-cmd tool returns consistent exit codes for all operations. If you're using apt-cmd in scripts, check the exit code of each call to ensure it succeeded.

An exit code of 0 (zero) indicates the call succeeded. A non-zero exit code means the call failed.

Code Meaning
0 The operation completed without errors.
1 The operation failed due to a runtime error. Causes may include a network error, full disk, lack of file permissions, etc.
2 The bag you validated turned out to be invalid. Check the error output for details.
3 The operation failed due to a user error. This is almost always caused by missing or invalid command-line parameters, or missing/invalid configuration settings.
4 The operation did not complete because an external service responded with an error. Common causes including passing bad authentication values to the APTrust registry or the remote S3 service, requesting an object that doesn't exist, and requesting an item you're not authorized to access.

Creating a Bag

You can create bags that conform to the APTrust, BTR or empty BagIt profile. If you specify the empty profile, apt-cmd will create a valid bag with the tags and manifests you specify.

The example below demonstrates how to speficy flags and tag values.

For tag values, use the format "filename.txt/Tag-Name=tag value". If you omit the file name, it defaults to bag-info.txt. For example, the following two tags will both be written into the Source-Organization tag in bag-info.txt:

  --tags="bag-info.txt/Source-Organization=Faber College"
  --tags="Source-Organization=Faber College"

Note that tag values are quoted in their entirety, both the name and the value.

Apply double quotes to values containing special characters such as spaces and symbols and to values containing environment variables that you want to expand, such as "$HOME".

Apply single quotes to values containing symbols that you don't want the shell to expand, such as curly braces, ampersands, and random dollar signs.

You can specify any tag files and tag names you want.

The following example packages the directory /home/josie/photos according to the APTrust BagIt profile and writes the tarred bag into /home/josie/bags/photos.tar.

This bag will include md5 and sha256 manifests and tag manifests. It will also include the specified tags in the bag-info.txt and aptrust-info.txt tag files.

  apt-cmd bag create \
    --profile=aptrust \
    --manifest-algs='md5,sha256' \
    --output-file='/home/josie/bags/photos.tar' \
    --bag-dir='/home/josie/photos' \
    --tags='aptrust-info.txt/Title=My Bag of Photos' \
    --tags='aptrust-info.txt/Access=Institution' \
    --tags='aptrust-info.txt/Storage-Option=Standard' \
    --tags='bag-info.txt/Source-Organization=Faber College' \
    --tags='Custom-Tag=Single quoted because it {contains} $weird &characters'


  1. Use the --debug flag to get the program to tell what it thinks it's supposed to be doing.
  2. If you use backslashes, as in the example able, be sure there are no trailing spaces or any characters other than a newline following the backslash.


  1. This tool currently supports only APTrust, BTR, and empty/generic BagIt profiles.
  2. For now, all bags will be output as tar files.
  3. This tool currently supports only the md5, sha1, sha256, and sha512 algorithms for manifests and tag manifests.
  4. This tool currently will not generate a fetch.txt file.

Validating a Bag

Currently, apt-cmd validates only tarred bags. The following commands validate a bag according to the APTrust BagIt profile:

  apt-cmd bag validate my_bag.tar
  apt-cmd bag validate -p aptrust my_bag.tar

To validate a bag using the Beyond the Repository (BTR) profile:

  apt-cmd bag validate -p btr my_bag.tar

To validate a bag using the empty profile:

  apt-cmd bag validate -p empty my_bag.tar

The empty profile simply ensures the bag is valid according to the general BagIt specification.


The validator only works with tarred bags and will not validate fetch.txt files.

S3 Commands

apt-cmd can upload to and download from any service with an S3-compliant API. It can also list bucket contents in JSON or text formats, and delete items from S3.

To access S3 services, you'll need to S3 credentials, as specified in the Configuration Settings section below.

Uploading a File to an S3 Bucket

apt-cmd can upload a file to any S3-compatible service. For this to work, you will need to have APTRUST_AWS_KEY and APTRUST_AWS_SECRET set in your environment, or in a config file specified with the --config flag.


Upload file photo.jpg to Amazon's S3 service:

    apt-cmd s3 upload --bucket="my-bucket" photo.jpg

Upload the same file, but call it renamed.jpg in S3:

    apt-cmd s3 upload  \
             --bucket="my-bucket" \
             --key='renamed.jpg' \

Listing the Contents of an S3 Bucket

You can list files from any S3-compatible service. For this to work, you will need to have APTRUST_AWS_KEY and APTRUST_AWS_SECRET set in your environment, or in a config file specified with the --config flag.

List output is in JSON format, unless you specify --format=text.


List items in my_bucket with prefix "photo":

    apt-cmd s3 list --bucket=my_bucket --prefix=photo

List 10 items in my_bucket with prefix "photo", using plain text output:

    apt-cmd s3 list \
                    --bucket=my_bucket \
                    --prefix=photo \
                    --maxitems=10 \

List items in sub-folder "music" of my_bucket. Note the trailing slash after "music/".

    apt-cmd s3 list --bucket=my_bucket --prefix=music/

List items in a nested folder. Again, note the trailing slash:

    apt-cmd s3 list --bucket=my_bucket --prefix=music/danielle_ponder/

Downloading an S3 File

You can download files from any S3-compatible service. For this to work, you will need to have APTRUST_AWS_KEY and APTRUST_AWS_SECRET set in your environment, or in a config file specified with the --config flag.


Download a file from Amazon's S3 service into the current directory:

    apt-cmd s3 download --bucket="my-bucket" --key='photo_001.jpg'

Download the same file and save it with a custom name on your desktop:

    apt-cmd s3 download  \
               --bucket="my-bucket" \
               --key='photo_001.jpg' \

Deleting an S3 File

You can delete objects from any S3-compatible service. For this to work, you will need to have APTRUST_AWS_KEY and APTRUST_AWS_SECRET set in your environment, or in a config file specified with the --config flag.


Delete object photo.jpg from my-bucket on AWS S3:

    apt-cmd s3 delete --bucket="my-bucket" --key='photo.jpg'

Note: This returns exit status zero and '{ "result": "OK" }' if the key is successfully deleted or if the key wasn't in the bucket to begin with.

Registry Commands

Registry commands retrieve information from the APTrust registry. You'll need APTrust credentials to query the Registry. See Configuration Settings below for info on how to pass these credentials to apt-cmd.

Listing Registry Work Items

List work items from the APTrust registry, or run a special "quick report."

You'll typically want to list work items so you can track the progress of an ingest or restoration.

Note that when filtering Work Items, Objects or Files using any of the list commands, you can supply filters as name-value pairs on the command line. These pairs do not use the double-dash (--) prefix.


List recent ingests:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems action='Ingest' sort='date_processed__desc'

List all work items since April 6, 2023:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems date_processed__gteq='2023-04-06' sort='date_processed__desc'

List failed work items:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems status='Failed' sort='date_processed__desc'

List work items pertaining to a tar file you uploaded:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems name='bag-of-photos.tar'

List work items pertaining to a bag with a specific etag:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems etag='987654321-100'

List work items pertaining to a specific intellectual object:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems object_identifier=''

List restorations or deletions of a specific file:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems generic_file_identifier=''

Quick Reports

List all items from the past 30 days that are still in process:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems --report=inprocess

List all items from the past 30 days that failed or were cancelled:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems --report=problems

List all restorations from the past 30 days:

  apt-cmd registry list workitems --report=restorations

When running quick reports, this tool ignores all other query params.

WorkItem List Filter Options

When querying for Work Items, apt-cmd supports the following filter options:

Name DataType Description
action string The action, one of: Delete, Restore Object, Restore File, Glacier Restore, Ingest
action__in string You can specify this multiple times to get results that include any of the named actions. For example, to get work items pertaining to any type of restoration, specify action_in="Restore Object" action_in="Restore File" action_in="Glacier Restore"
alt_identifier string Return work items pertaining to objects with this alternate identifier.
bag_date__gteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return work items pertaining to bags created on or after this date.
bag_date__lteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return work items pertaining to bags created on or before this date.
bag_group_identifier string Return work items pertaining to bags having this bag group identifier. (Exact match only. Group identifier prefixes won't work here.)
bagit_profile_identifier string Return work items pertaining to bags having this BagIt profile identifier. Allowed values are (for the BTR profile), and (for the APTrust profile).
date_processed__gteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return items last touched by a worker process on or after this date.
date_processed__lteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return items last touched by a worker process on or before this date.
etag string Return work items pertaining to an uploaded bag with this etag.
generic_file_id integer Return work items pertaining to this generic file.
generic_file_id__is_null string Set this to "true" to retrieve work items with an empty generic file identifier. Results will include only object-level work items, such as ingests, object deletions and object restorations.
generic_file_identifier string Return work items pertaining to the generic file with this identifier.
intellectual_object_id integer Return work items pertaining to this intellectual object. Note that for ingests, the object id will be empty until the ingest completes.
intellectual_object_id__is_null string Set this to "true" to include work items with an empty intellectual object id. This will return ingests that have not yet completed. All other work items are associated with an object.
name string The name of the tar file you want to check on. This is the name of the file you uploaded to your receiving bucket for ingest. For example, "".
needs_admin_review string Set this to "true" if you want to retrieve work items that have been flagged as problematic, requiring review from an APTrust administrator.
node__is_null string Set this to "true" to retrieve work items with a null worker node. These items are currently not being worked on by any process. Items are in this state when awaiting processing and when processing has completed.
node__not_null string Set this to "true" to retrieve items that are undergoing active processing by an ingest, restoration or deletion worker.
object_identifier string Return items associated with this intellectual object identifier.
queued_at__is_null date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return items queued for work on or after this date.
queued_at__not_null date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return items queued for work on or before this date.
retry string Set this to "true" to retrieve items that are eligible for processing. Set to "false" to retrieve problematic items that either will not be retried or require manually requeueing.
size__gteq integer Return work items associated with files or objects containing at least this number of bytes.
size__lteq integer Return work items associated with files or objects containing no more than this number of bytes.
stage string Return items in this stage of processing. Allowed values: Available in S3, Cleanup, Copy To Staging, Fetch, Format Identification, Package, Receive, Record, Reingest Check, Requested, Resolve, Restoring, Storage Validation, Store, Unpack, Validate.
stage__in string Specify this filter multiple times to retrieve items in any one of a number of stages. For example, to retrieve items in the Store, Unpack, or Validate stages, use stage__in=Store stage__in=Unpack stage_in=Validate
status string Retrieve items having this status. Values include Cancelled, Failed, Pending, Started, Success, Suspended.
status__in string Specify this filter multiple times to retrieve items having any of a number of statuses. For example, to retrieve items with Pending and Started status, use status__in=Pending status__in=Started.
storage_option string Retrieve items pertaining to objects or files having the specified storage option. Available values : Glacier-Deep-OH, Glacier-Deep-OR, Glacier-Deep-VA, Glacier-OH, Glacier-OR, Glacier-VA, Standard, Wasabi-OR, Wasabi-TX, Wasabi-VA
user string (email address) Return work items initiated by the user with this email address.

WorkItem List Paging and Sort Options

By default, the list workitems command returns the first 25 results, sorting items by id. You can override these defaults with the following settings.

Name DataType Description
per_page integer The number of results to return per request. Default is 25. Max is 1000.
page integer The page of results you want to retrieve. Default is 1.
sort string Sort results using the specified column. You can sort on any field listed in the JSON sample below. Append "__desc" to the field name to do a descending (reverse) sort. For example, sort=name sorts by the name of the tar file, while sort=name__desc does a reverse sort by name.

WorkItem List Response Format

The workitem list command returns JSON in the following format. Note that count indicates the total number of results, while next and previous are URLs pointing to the next and previous pages of results.

  "count": 0,
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "items": [
      "id": 0,
      "action": "Delete",
      "alt_identifier": "string",
      "aptrust_approver": "",
      "bagit_profile_identifier": "",
      "bag_date": "2023-04-20T17:34:07.911Z",
      "bag_group_identifier": "string",
      "bucket": "string",
      "created_at": "2023-04-20T17:34:07.911Z",
      "date_processed": "2023-04-20T17:34:07.911Z",
      "etag": "string",
      "generic_file_id": 0,
      "generic_file_identifier": "string",
      "institution_id": 0,
      "institution_name": "string",
      "institution_identifier": "string",
      "inst_approver": "",
      "intellectual_object_id": 0,
      "internal_sender_identifier": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "needs_admin_review": true,
      "node": "string",
      "note": "string",
      "object_identifier": "string",
      "outcome": "Failure",
      "pid": 0,
      "queued_at": "2023-04-20T17:34:07.911Z",
      "retry": true,
      "size": 0,
      "source_organization": "string",
      "stage": "Available in S3",
      "stage_started_at": "2023-04-20T17:34:07.912Z",
      "status": "Cancelled",
      "storage_option": "Glacier-Deep-OH",
      "updated_at": "2023-04-20T17:34:07.912Z",
      "user": ""

Retrieving a Single Registry Work Item

To retrieve a single WorkItem record from the APTrust Registry, use the command below. Note that id is an integer.

  apt-cmd registry get workitem <id>

WorkItem Get Response Format

The command aptrust registry get workitem returns JSON in the following format:

  "id": 0,
  "action": "Restore Object",
  "alt_identifier": "string",
  "aptrust_approver": "",
  "bagit_profile_identifier": "",
  "bag_date": "2023-04-20T17:45:43.969Z",
  "bag_group_identifier": "string",
  "bucket": "string",
  "created_at": "2023-04-20T17:45:43.970Z",
  "date_processed": "2023-04-20T17:45:43.970Z",
  "etag": "string",
  "generic_file_id": 0,
  "generic_file_identifier": "string",
  "institution_id": 0,
  "institution_name": "string",
  "institution_identifier": "string",
  "inst_approver": "",
  "intellectual_object_id": 0,
  "internal_sender_identifier": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "needs_admin_review": true,
  "node": "string",
  "note": "string",
  "object_identifier": "string",
  "outcome": "Success",
  "pid": 0,
  "queued_at": "2023-04-20T17:45:43.970Z",
  "retry": true,
  "size": 0,
  "source_organization": "string",
  "stage": "Available in S3",
  "stage_started_at": "2023-04-20T17:45:43.970Z",
  "status": "Cancelled",
  "storage_option": "Glacier-Deep-OH",
  "updated_at": "2023-04-20T17:45:43.970Z",
  "user": ""

Listing Registry Objects

You can list objects from the APTrust Registry, with filters.


List 20 objects ordered by identifer:

  apt-cmd registry list objects sort='identifier' per_page='20'

List 20 objects reverse ordered by identifer:

  apt-cmd registry list objects sort='identifier__desc' per_page='20'

List objects created after April 6, 2023

  apt-cmd registry list files created_at__gteq='2023-04-06'

Object List Filter Options

Name DataType Description
access string Return objects with this access setting. Available values : consortia, institution, restricted
alt_identifier string Return objects with this alternate identifier.
alt_identifier__starts_with string Return objects whose alternate identifier starts with the speficied string.
bag_group_identifier string Return objects with this bag group identifier.
bag_group_identifier__starts_with string Return objects whose bag group identifier starts with the specified string.
bagit_profile_identifier string Return objects with this BagIt profile identifier. Available values : (BTR profile) and (APTrust profile).
created_at__gteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return objects created on or after the given date.
created_at__lteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return objects created on or before the given date.
etag string Return the object with this etag.
file_count__gteq integer Return objects containing at least this number of files.
file_count__lteq integer Return objects containing no more than this number of files.
identifier string Return the object with this identifier.
internal_sender_identifier string Return the object with this internal sender identifier.
size__gteq integer Return objects whose size is at least this number of bytes.
size__lteq integer Return objects whose size is no more than this number of bytes.
state string Return objects with this state. A = Active, D = Deleted. Available values: A, D.
storage_option string Return objects with the specified storage option. Available values: Glacier-Deep-OH, Glacier-Deep-OR, Glacier-Deep-VA, Glacier-OH, Glacier-OR, Glacier-VA, Standard, Wasabi-OR, Wasabi-TX, Wasabi-VA.
updated_at__gteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return objects updated on or after the given timestamp.
updated_at__lteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return objects updated on or before the given timestamp.

Object List Paging and Sort Options

By default, the list objects command returns the first 25 results, sorting objects by id. You can override these defaults with the following settings.

Name DataType Description
per_page integer The number of results to return per request. Default is 25. Max is 1000.
page integer The page of results you want to retrieve. Default is 1.
sort string Sort results using the specified column. You can sort on any field listed in the JSON sample below. Append "__desc" to the field name to do a descending (reverse) sort. For example, sort=identifier sorts by the object identifier, while sort=identifier__desc does a reverse sort by identifier.

Object List Response Format

The list objects command returns JSON with the following format. Note that count is the total number of resuls matching your query, while next and previous are URLs pointing to the next and previous pages of results.

  "count": 0,
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "items": [
      "id": 0,
      "title": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "identifier": "string",
      "alt_identifier": "string",
      "access": "consortia",
      "bag_name": "string",
      "institution_id": 0,
      "created_at": "2023-04-20T18:25:28.513Z",
      "updated_at": "2023-04-20T18:25:28.513Z",
      "state": "A",
      "etag": "string",
      "bag_group_identifier": "string",
      "storage_option": "Glacier-Deep-OH",
      "bagit_profile_identifier": "",
      "source_organization": "string",
      "internal_sender_identifier": "string",
      "internal_sender_description": "string",
      "institution_name": "string",
      "institution_identifier": "string",
      "institution_type": "MemberInstitution",
      "institution_parent_id": 0,
      "file_count": 0,
      "size": 0,
      "payload_file_count": 0,
      "payload_size": 0

Retrieving a Single Registry Object

You can retrieve objects from the Registry by identifier or by id. Object identifiers are strings, such as ''. Ids are numeric.


apt-cmd registry get object identifier=<object_identifier>
apt-cmd registry get object id=<object_id>

Get Object Response Format

The get object command returns JSON in the following format:

  "id": 0,
  "title": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "identifier": "string",
  "alt_identifier": "string",
  "access": "consortia",
  "bag_name": "string",
  "institution_id": 0,
  "created_at": "2023-04-20T18:52:35.412Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-04-20T18:52:35.412Z",
  "state": "A",
  "etag": "string",
  "bag_group_identifier": "string",
  "storage_option": "Glacier-Deep-OH",
  "bagit_profile_identifier": "",
  "source_organization": "string",
  "internal_sender_identifier": "string",
  "internal_sender_description": "string",
  "institution_name": "string",
  "institution_identifier": "string",
  "institution_type": "MemberInstitution",
  "institution_parent_id": 0,
  "file_count": 0,
  "size": 0,
  "payload_file_count": 0,
  "payload_size": 0

Listing Registry Files

The list files command lists files from the APTrust Registry, applying whatever filters you specify. Note that the file JSON returned by this call includes only summary information for each file, while the get file call returns more detailed info.


List files belonging to object, ordered by identifer:

  apt-cmd registry list files intellectual_object_identifier='' sort='identifier'

List only the first 10 files from that same bag:

  apt-cmd registry list files intellectual_object_identifier='' sort='identifier' per_page=10

List files created after April 6, 2023

  apt-cmd registry list files created_at__gteq='2023-04-06'

File List Filter Options

Name DataType Description
created_at__gteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return files created on or after the given timestamp.
created_at__lteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return files created on or before the given timestamp.
identifier string Return the file with this identifier.
intellectual_object_id integer Return files belonging to the specified intellectual object.
last_fixity_check__gteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return files whose last fixity check was on or after the given timestamp.
last_fixity_check__lteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return files whose last fixity check was on or before the given timestamp.
size__gteq integer Return files whose size is at least this number of bytes.
size__lteq integer Return files whose size is no more than this number of bytes.
state string Return files with this state. A = Active, D = Deleted. Available values: A, D.
storage_option string Return files with the specified storage option. Available values: Glacier-Deep-OH, Glacier-Deep-OR, Glacier-Deep-VA, Glacier-OH, Glacier-OR, Glacier-VA, Standard, Wasabi-OR, Wasabi-TX, Wasabi-VA.
updated_at__gteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return files updated on or after the given timestamp.
updated_at__lteq date string 'yyyy-mm-dd' Return files updated on or before the given timestamp.

File List Paging and Sort Options

By default, the list files command returns the first 25 results, sorting files by id. You can override these defaults with the following settings.

Name DataType Description
per_page integer The number of results to return per request. Default is 25. Max is 1000.
page integer The page of results you want to retrieve. Default is 1.
sort string Sort results using the specified column. You can sort on any field listed in the JSON sample below. Append "__desc" to the field name to do a descending (reverse) sort. For example, sort=identifier sorts by the file identifier, while sort=identifier__desc does a reverse sort by identifier.

File List Response Format

The list files command returns JSON with the following format. Note that count is the total number of resuls matching your query, while next and previous are URLs pointing to the next and previous pages of results.

  "count": 0,
  "next": "string",
  "previous": "string",
  "items": [
      "id": 0,
      "file_format": "string",
      "size": 0,
      "identifier": "string",
      "intellectual_object_id": 0,
      "object_identifier": "string",
      "access": "consortia",
      "state": "A",
      "last_fixity_check": "2023-04-20T18:55:14.164Z",
      "institution_id": 0,
      "institution_name": "string",
      "institution_identifier": "string",
      "storage_option": "Glacier-Deep-OH",
      "uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "md5": "string",
      "sha1": "string",
      "sha256": "string",
      "sha512": "string",
      "created_at": "2023-04-20T18:55:14.165Z",
      "updated_at": "2023-04-20T18:55:14.165Z"

Retrieving a Single Registry File

You can retrieve a JSON record from the APTrust registry describing a generic file with a specified identifier or id. File identifiers are strings, such as ''. Ids are numeric.

Note that this call returns not only the generic file info, but also all of the checksums and PREMIS events associated with the file.


apt-cmd registry get file <file_identifier>
apt-cmd registry get file <file_id>

Get File Response Format

The get file command returns JSON in the following format:

  "id": 0,
  "file_format": "string",
  "size": 0,
  "identifier": "string",
  "intellectual_object_id": 0,
  "state": "A",
  "last_fixity_check": "2023-04-20T19:09:44.674Z",
  "institution_id": 0,
  "storage_option": "Glacier-Deep-OH",
  "uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "premis_events": [
      "id": 0,
      "agent": "string",
      "date_time": "2023-04-20T19:09:44.674Z",
      "detail": "string",
      "event_type": "access assignment",
      "generic_file_id": 0,
      "identifier": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "institution_id": 0,
      "intellectual_object_id": 0,
      "object": "string",
      "old_uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "outcome": "Failure",
      "outcome_detail": "string",
      "outcome_information": "string",
      "created_at": "2023-04-20T19:09:44.674Z",
      "updated_at": "2023-04-20T19:09:44.674Z"
  "checksums": [
      "id": 0,
      "algorithm": "md5",
      "datetime": "2023-04-20T19:09:44.674Z",
      "digest": "string",
      "generic_file_id": 0
  "storage_records": [
      "id": 0,
      "generic_file_id": 0,
      "url": "string"
  "created_at": "2023-04-20T19:09:44.674Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-04-20T19:09:44.674Z"

Configuration Settings

apt-cmd will read configuration values from a config file if you specify one with the --config flag. Otherwise, it will read config values from the environment. The testconfig.env file shows a sample configuration used for testing.

Config files can use .env, JSON, or YAML format. Just be sure to include the correct file extension (.env, .yml, .yaml, or .json) so apt-cmd knows how to parse the file.

You may find it useful to maintain separate config file for separate profiles. For example, you may want to store S3 credentials for Amazon in aws.env, credentials for Wasabi in wasabi.env, and for Minio in minio.env.

Or, you can skip config files altogether and use environment variables like so:

  APTRUST_AWS_KEY=my_key APTRUST_AWS_SECRET=my_secrete apt-cmd s3 upload --bucket="my-bucket" photo.jpg

apt-cmd uses the following settings.

Name Description
APTRUST_AWS_KEY Access Key ID to access S3. Required only for S3 operations. Works with any S3-compatible service.
APTRUST_AWS_SECRET Secret access key to access S3. Required only for S3 operations. Works with any S3-compatible service.
APTRUST_REGISTRY_URL URL of the APTrust registry you want to access. Production is Demo is Required only for registry operations.
APTRUST_REGISTRY_API_VERSION Version of the current registry API. For now, this should be v3. Required only for registry operations.
APTRUST_REGISTRY_EMAIL The email address associated with your APTrust registry account. Required only for registry operations.
APTRUST_REGISTRY_API_KEY The API key associated with your APTrust registry account. Required only for registry operations.