Bagging (SIP) Requirements
APTrust currently accepts bags for ingest that use the APTrust BagIt and Beyond the Repository (BTR) BagIt profiles. Bags will be restored using the same profile as the submission.
For info on what constitutes a valid BTR bag, see version 1.0 of the BTR bagit profile.
The remainder of this page will discuss the APTrust format and the allowed options to use when bagging.
When you upload a bag to APTrust, ingest services will look at the BagIt-Profile-Identifier tag in the bag-info.txt file. If this is set to, it will be validated according to the BTR BagIt profile.
If BagIt-Profile-Identifier is set to any other value, or if the value is missing, ingest services will validate the bag according to the APTrust profile.
APTrust BagIt Specification
In addition to conforming to the BagIt specification version 0.97 or version 1.0, valid APTrust bags must include the tag files and tags listed below, and must meet the following criteria:
Bags must be serialized in tar format.
Tarred bags must untar to a single directory whose name matches the name of the tar file. For example,
must untar to a directory calledmy_bag
. -
The name of the tarred bag file must not include directories.
is valid.C:\path\to\
is not. -
Bags must contain an md5 manifest and may also contain a sha256 manifest.
Bags must be 5 terabytes or less in size.
Bags may not contain a fetch.txt file.
Bags may contain tag manifests.
Bags may contain files outside of the data directory other than manifests and tag manifests. APTrust will consider these to be tag files, and will not try to parse them.
When uploading multipart bags, use Bag-Group-Identifier tag to indicate that the bags belong together, or use the multipart bag naming format described below. (But note that the multipart bag naming format will soon be deprecated.)
A valid untarred APTrust bag has the following structure:
<base directory>/
| aptrust-info.txt
| bag-info.txt
| bagit.txt
| manifest-<algorithm>.txt (md5 AND/OR sha256)
| [optional tag manifests]
| [optional additional tag files]
\--- data/
| [payload files]
\--- [optional tag directories]/
| [optional tag files]
File and Directory Names
- File and Folder names must follow POSIX conventions:
- Contain upper or lower case letters, numbers, dots, underscores, percent signs, or dashes. (A–Z a–z 0–9 . _% -)
- May contain virtually any printable character, except newlines, carriage returns, tabs, vertical tabs and ASCII bells. (As of 1/30/2017)
- Are considered case sensitive.
- MUST not begin with a dash. (-)
- MUST not contain whitespaces
- May contain whitespaces. (As of 1/30/2017)
- Restricted to 255 characters in length including extension.
- MUST be at least 1 character in length.
bagit.txt file
The bag must have a bagit.txt file, with the following tags.
Tag | Allowed values |
BagIt-Version | 0.97 or 1.0 |
Tag-File-Character-Encoding | UTF-8 |
bag-info.txt file
The bag-info.txt file should contain the following tags:
Tag | Description | Example |
Source-Organization | This should be the human readable name of the APTrust partner organization. For example, "University of Virginia." You may be more specific, if you wish, specifying a specific college or library within the university, such as "Georgetown University Law Library." However, when APTrust restores bags, the source organization in the bag-info.txt file will be set to the name of the partner institution. | University of Virginia |
Bagging-Date | The date the content was bagged. Use ISO 8601 UTC format (YYYY-MM-DD). | 2019-08-19 |
Bag-Count | Two numbers separated by "of", in particular, "N of T", where T is the total number of bags in a group of bags and N is the ordinal number within the group; if T is not known, specify it as "?" (question mark). | Examples: 1 of 2, 4 of 4, 3 of ?, 89 of 145. |
Internal-Sender-Description | A sender-local explanation of the contents and provenance. | |
Internal-Sender-Identifier | An alternate sender-specific identifier for the content and/or bag. | |
Bag-Group-Identifier | A sender-supplied identifier for the set, if any, of bags to which it logically belongs. | Greeling Photo Collection |
For more on bag group identifiers, see the Bag Group Identifiers section of the Objects page.
For a list of other commonly-used tags in the bag-info.txt file, see the official BagIt specification for version 0.97 or version 1.0.
APTrust supports all of the tags mentioned in the 0.97 and 1.0 specifications. You may also add your own custom tags to this file.
aptrust-info.txt file
This file must contain the following tags:
Tag | Description |
Title | A human readable title for searching and listing in APTrust. This cannot be empty. |
Description | A human-readable description of the bag. This will appear in Registry. |
Access | One of three access options listed below. The access option describes who can see an object's metadata, including its name and description, a list of its generic files and events. APTrust does not currently provide access to the objects themselves, except when you restore one of your bags. No matter which access option you choose, no other institution can access your intellectual object. |
Storage-Option | This indicates how and where you want APTrust to store your bag. If omitted, Storage-Option defaults to "Standard". See the section on Storage Options below for more information. |
Allowed Storage-Option Values
Standard: The bag's contents will be store in S3 in Northern Virginia and Glacier in Oregon. APTrust will perform fixity checks on the S3 files every 180 days.
Glacier-OH: Files will be stored ONLY in Glacier, in AWS's Ohio region, and will be encrypted during storage. APTrust will not perform any fixity checks on these files.
Glacier-OR: Files will be stored ONLY in Glacier, in AWS's Oregon region, and will be encrypted during storage. APTrust will not perform any fixity checks on these files.
Glacier-VA: Files will be stored ONLY in Glacier, in AWS's Northern Virginia region, and will be encrypted during storage. APTrust will not perform any fixity checks on these files.
Glacier-Deep-OH: Files will be stored ONLY in Glacier Deep Archive, in AWS's Ohio region, and will be encrypted during storage. APTrust will not perform any fixity checks on these files.
Glacier-Deep-OR: Files will be stored ONLY in Glacier Deep Archive, in AWS's Oregon region, and will be encrypted during storage. APTrust will not perform any fixity checks on these files.
Glacier-Deep-VA: Files will be stored ONLY in Glacier Deep Archive, in AWS's Northern Virginia region, and will be encrypted during storage. APTrust will not perform any fixity checks on these files.
Wasabi-OR: Files will be stored only in Wasabi's Oregon data center. These files will receive fixity checks every 180 days.
Wasabi-TX: Files will be stored only in Wasabi's Texas data center. These files will receive fixity checks every 180 days.
Wasabi-VA: Files will be stored only in Wasabi's Virginia data center. These files will receive fixity checks every 180 days.
A note on storage options
When you update an existing bag, APTrust will apply Storage-Option of the original version to the new version, even if the new version's Storage-Option tag explicitly specifies something different. This is to prevent the proliferation of multiple different versions of an object across multiple storage areas. If you want to change the Storage-Option of an existing object, you must delete it and then re-ingest it with the new option.
Storage Options and Fixity Checks
As noted in the list of storage options above, we check fixity only on items in S3 and Wasabi storage, not on items in Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive. If you want APTrust to run regular fixity checks on your materials, choose the Standard, Wasabi-OR, Wasabi-TX or Wasabi-VA storage options.
Allowed Access Values
Restricted: Metadata about this object is accessible to the institutional administrator (at the depositing institution) and to the APTrust admin. No one else can even see that this object exists in the repository.
Institution: All users at the depositing institution can see metadata about this object.
Consortia: All APTrust members can see this object's metadata.DEPRECATED. Consortial access was never implemented in the APTrust repository. Use Restricted or Institution instead. The Consortia access option is treated the same as the Institution access option.
Multipart bags - DEPRECATED
Deprecation Notice
APTrust will soon end support for the multipart naming format described in this section. Use the standard Bag-Group-Identifier tag instead, as described in the following section.
You may split a single large bag into a number of smaller bags by using the naming convention institution_identifier.bag_identifier.b###.of###
. That is, you append .bag01.of16
, .bag02.of16
, etc. to the end of the bag name of each bag in the group.
Upon ingest, APTrust will treat all of the contents of all of the bags as part of a single intellectual object. Thus, the contents of
, and
would all be collected into a single intellectual object called
Because APTrust re-bags files for restoration, the bags returned by a restoration request will not match the bags you originally submitted, but all of the payload files will be present.
Generic Files in APTrust are referenced by their URI, which is the original filepath relative to the bag. File and folder names should be unique across multi-part bags to make sure all items are processed and not treated as a file update.
Multipart bags - THE NEW WAY
Please use the Bag-Group-Identifier tag in the bag-info.txt file to indicate that multiple bags are part of the same group. Bag-Group-Identifier is part of the BagIt standard described in RFC 8493. The specification defines a Bag-Group-Identifier as A sender-supplied identifier for the set, if any, of bags to which it logically belongs.
Registry supports searching by Bag-Group-Identifier, which makes it easy for you to see which bags and files belong to the same logical group.
The Bag-Group-Identifier tag provides the additional advantage of allowing you to restore specific parts of a collection without having to restore the entire collection. Under the old multipart naming scheme, all bag parts would be merged into a single giant bag. Bags sharing a Bag-Group-Identifier remain distinct intellectual objects and can be restored individually.
APTrust does not currently support versioning. When you upload new versions of existing files, APTrust overwrites the old version with the new. See Updates for details.
If you want to keep multiple versions of a bag or file, append a version number or timestamp to the end of the bag or file name. For example,
will be stored as separate objects, and files from the second version will not overwrite files from the first.
Bagging Empty Folders
APTrust cannot preserve or restore empty folders. If you want to include an empty folder in your bag, add an empty file to it, and we will preserve it. We recommend creating an empty file called .keep
. The leading period in the filename ensures that it will be hidden from most file browsers, making the directory appear empty. The name .keep
is traditionally used to indicate that the folder, although empty, should be preserved.